It is hypoallergenic, soft, porous, which means it allows the skin to breathe.
It comes off easily from the skin
When you want the lashes you mount to have superior strength, definitely you are using all the tools to achieve this goal. And among these tools is the medical paper roll for eyelash isolation.
Thus, if we have to work with scattered eyelashes, we can isolate them from the others with this role. In addition, it helps to have better visibility in the inner corner, because, after the application is finished, if the technician notices that not all the lashes are applied in the inner corner, he can insulate with tape only the lashes under the inner corner. Another attribute of the role is that you can position it above the jade stone, thus replacing the adhesive sticker. In this case you can apply a little roller on the Jade stone (thus avoiding soiling the Jade stone with the adhesive), to build a bigger ball of adhesive, of about 4-5 drops, for a greater resistance of the adhesive, of about two hours.